Fortify & Explore

Based on an intensive macro- and socio-economic analysis, coupled with our many years of VC experience, we developed the investment thesis of Koyo Capital. Our investment thesis covers topics that will significantly impact the global economy, the planet, and humanity in the short, medium, and long term.

Koyo Capital's investment thesis is called “Fortify & Explore”! Existing structures are secured and strengthened (Fortify) to create a solid foundation for future initiatives. On this basis, new opportunities, innovations, or unexplored areas are actively sought (Explore) to promote growth, development, or improvement. Our investment thesis emphasises the importance of stability and security as the foundation for successful expansion into new areas.

Fortify …

We believe in strengthening the global economy, safeguarding personal freedom and data, and democracy-supporting and securing measures. Technologies that manage these risks and build the associated resilience offer critical competitive advantages to leverage these emerging markets effectively.

It is our firm belief that the basic human need for security and safety, which has been shaken in recent years by COVID-19 or the war against Ukraine, has increased and will continue to increase in the coming years. With investments in risk and resilience projects, such as data analysis and forecasting models, supply chain or infrastructure resilience, koyo will position itself at the forefront of this development, offering financial return potential while contributing to creating a secure and resilient world (investment focus 1).

A key factor in building resilience will be artificial intelligence. Koyo Capital sees AI primarily as a driver of technological transformation. AI will be the foundation for future growth in almost all industries. Integrating AI as a basic infrastructure (investment focus 2) offers the potential for sustainable growth and innovation. As an infrastructure, AI will not only revolutionise individual applications but the way entire systems work. Developing robust AI platforms that enable companies to efficiently develop and scale AI solutions is our goal. We aim to foster technologies that enable automated decision-making in critical areas such as financial services, healthcare, and logistics.

We also see personal resilience as a key factor for artificial intelligence and are convinced that it can transform life science and diagnostics. By fostering technologies at the intersection of AI, not only can the development and production of new drugs be revolutionised, but also global healthcare systems can be sustainably improved (investment focus 3). We invest in the future of medicine to improve the quality of life and make healthcare more efficient and accessible.

To build resilience, decentralising the Internet by investing in Web3 remains essential. This technology enables a new type of Internet in which users retain control of their own data, transactions are more secure and transparent, and new business models are created through tokenisation. Web3 represents the next stage in the evolution of the internet, where decentralised, blockchain-based applications have the potential to rebuild the current centralised internet structures, make them more independent of each other, and thus significantly more secure (investment focus 4).

… & Explore!

Exploring uncharted territory in the here and now, as well as in the near and far future. Paths that allow humanity to overcome boundaries that have so far existed only in the imagination of futurologists and authors. We support visionary companies that dare to turn these technologies into reality.

In the short term, we see strong potential in the increasing transformation of the working world and the living environment through an increasingly important role in robotics. With rapid technological advances and the growing acceptance of robotics solutions in different industries, now is the best time to invest in this transformative technology to create sustainable and scalable solutions for the future (investment focus 5). In addition to industrial automation, we believe in service robotics and advanced mobility solutions in individual and business contexts.

We are convinced that quantum technologies will resolve the next technological paradigm. Technologies based on quantum computation can perform complex calculations, which can solve complex optimisation problems in pharmaceutical research, materials science, and modern data encryption. We aim to position ourselves at the forefront of an innovation that could radically change how we process data and secure information. By investing in the application of quantum technologies, we are supporting the development of this cutting-edge technology and exploiting its enormous potential for growth and innovation (investment focus 6).

We at Koyo Capital believe in the long-term economic potential of the space sector, which has the potential to become one of the most dynamic and innovative industry sectors in the coming years. Through increasing privatisation, unique opportunities for innovative companies and smart investors will be created. Advanced technology opens the door to a wide range of commercial opportunities, from satellite communications and Earth observation to in-space manufacturing technology, and potential mining operations on asteroids and space station development (investment focus 7).

Zürich, June 2024